Question: I am a brand new member & have notified another member just 12 hours ago using the Email Form provided at the foot of the listing. I now see a red "check" saying "delete from List" next to that members ID# (HEXXXXX) in the Members Recently Contacted list in my Member Area. Does this mean they are no longer available?
Answer: The red "check" simply allows YOU to delete that Members ID# from your Members Recently Contacted list in your Member Area when it is no longer useful to you - for example if you have received a reply from them and they are unable to accept your exchange offer.
Question: For that matter, when I review listings am I to assume that they ALL are still available?
Many Thanks
Answer:When you review the listings they are all still available unless (a) the listing carries the heading "Exchange Request Fulfilled" which has been placed on the listing by the Member because they have an exchange arranged and do not wish to be contacted regarding another exchange for the time being: or (b) if the Dates shown in the Dates available field are already in the past. When reviewing the exchange listings you should pay attention to the "Dates available" field. Whilst some may be very wide, for example "Open to Offers", or "From January 2005 until October 2005", some members will have been much more specific about their preferred dates and this could mean that dates may already be in the past by the time you view their listing. This is because a Member joins for a 12 month membership and therefore has the right for their listing to remain on-line for the duration of that 12 month period. Some members may wish to use the remainder of that time to seek further exchanges and amend the dates sought, but others may not do so, and it is these members not seeking to arrange a further exchange in the current year whose listings may carry dates which are past.
Friday, January 28, 2005
GTI Home Exchange - using the Members recently contacted Feature
Posted by
10:05 am
Labels: GTI Home Exchange
Friday, January 21, 2005
Preparing for a successful Home Exchange
Feedback from a successful home exchange between Ireland and Switzerland pointed out not just how nice the area was, but what a difference it makes if the exchange home is well prepared for its visitors. “We just want to let you know that this one (HE11260) is such a wonderful exchange – Everything about this home exchange is wonderful, The House, The Area, The Country. They go to such trouble to leave such organized details. We had a wonderful holiday”.
Below is a list of recommendations for preparing your house for your exchange partner. Think of it as a “What I would like when I get there” list.
Neighbours to welcome if possible
Basic food stock – milk, bread, coffee etc. and other necessary items such as toilet tissue, bath soap and cleaning supplies.
Note as to where main items are stored, and what storage space has been provided for your exchanger. Make space in dresser drawers and cupboards, and leave empty hangers.
Provide plenty of clean towels and bedlinen for your guests.
Directions to local shops and restaurants (with personal recommendations if you wish).
Emergency Telephone numbers: plumber, electrician, doctor – hope never to need them.
Notes on how to use appliances, and their idiosyncracies ie if washing machine door sticks (don’t kick it). If your exchanger does not speak your own language well, simple diagrams can help clarify instructions.
Store any valuables or lock them away somewhere safe.
Prepay your bills before you leave.
Do basic regular maintenance such as mow lawn, clean pool before departure.
If a car is part of the exchange agreement, leave copies of your car insurance and registration.
Leave clear instructions for pet and plant care.
Ask post office to hold your mail for you until you return.
The list could be endless, but use your own judgement. It could make all the difference.
For home exchange advice in your own language: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, or Dutch, click on the appropriate link below.
Tips zum Haustausch
Exchange Advice and Forms
Consejos & Formularios
Conseils et Formulaires
Consigli e suggerimenti
Exchange advies en formulieren
The Oberserver Pick of the Season - 20 journeys to change your life
Posted by
2:42 pm
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Member Problems identifying Exchange Offers
When you get a response from someone you have sent a request to, is there any way of identifying their listing? The system doesn't seem to carry an ID...not mine or theirs. Is there a way of fixing this?
Mostly I use the email link and most people who approach me seem to also. That way, it comes and goes ID-less.
Hello people!
When I email someone on the site, and they hit reply, i have no way of knowing which listing they hail from. There should be an automatic system that includes the listing ID# in the email.
thanks Anne HE16226
Thank you for your email and for the feedback concerning the web-site.
As I'm sure you know, there are two methods provided on the web-page for contacting the member by email. One is to use the Email this Member hyperlink, and the other is to use the Email Form provided at the bottom of the listing. Referring to the first question, it would seem that the Member is referring to the Email this Member link and not the Email Form.
If you are using the email link, you are actually opening up a new message in your own email programme and sending it from your computer, not from the website, and we obviously have no control over this. In the subject line a should Member indicate that their message is an exchange offer; otherwise, if it is left blank, many people won't open it when they don't know the source of the message. Just make sure that you include in the subject line something like, Exchange offer from memberHEXXXXX for member HE00000 (filling in the member's User ID). Then, as most people will reply to a message leaving the subject line as it is, you shouldhave no trouble in identifying the listing - you can log on to your member area and search on the member's User ID to view the full listing again.
It is also a good idea to repeat both yours and the member's User IDs within the body of your message too as, again, most will leave your message intact when replying so that, even if they don't include their User ID within their reply, you will be able to see it in the message you had sent to them. Also,as some members may delete your original message, ask, within your exchange offer message that they include their User ID when replying to help you quickly locate their listing again.
We do, of course, have more control over the content of the form which is provided for Member Enquiries. We very much appreciate member suggestions and feedback, and will look into whether or not it is possible to incorporate an automatic system that includes the listing ID# in the Form email. We do, of course, have more control over the content of the form which is provided for Member Enquiries. We very much appreciate member suggestions, and will look into whether or not it is possible to incorporate an automatic system that includes the listing ID# in the email.
I hope that this helps.
Kath Botterill
Posted by
8:47 am
Labels: GTI Home Exchange
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Last Minute Home Exchange
Hi I have just renewed.
From 1998 to 2002 we had a number of really excellent exchanges. Since then the enquiry level has dried up. We have never enquired anywhere and always received enquiries which "pushed" us into taking time off from the business.
I wonder whether the Last Minute section has assisted in creating this - many are hardly last minute - or whether it is just that people are just seeking places further afield.
Not that we have missed anything as we can seek places to go ourselves obviously, it is just from 4/5 enquiries a month for 2/3 years to nothing which I find slightly strange.
Any views? Thanks.
Regards M Barber HE14691
Mr Barber's exchange offer is located in S'Algar, situated in the SE of the Balearic Island of Menorca, Spain
Thank you for your email and the renewal of your membership.
I also am surprised that the enquiries have dried up, and do not
really have any explanation as to why this should be. With regard
to the Last Minute Exchanges, we do have to rely on members
to play the game with regard to the use of this facility, and
to only place themselves on the Last Minute Exchange list if
they are within 3 months of their desired exchange date, having
so far been unsuccessful in finding an exchange, but no-one
else has so far suggested that this may be creating a problem.
I will certainly keep it under review, and check with our
associate agencies whether they think that this could be the
case. As you have indicated in your email, you are aware
that we DO encourage ALL members to be proactive in seeking
their exchange partners in order to have the best chance of
finding the exchange that they want, rather than to just
waiting for enquiries to come to them.
Seeking Member Comments: Do other members have
any comment to make about the Last Minute Exchange
facility provided on the GTI Home Exchange web-site? Please
do so on the GTI Weblog Forum
Posted by
1:56 pm
Labels: Last Minute Home Exchange offers
Thursday, January 13, 2005
L'échange de maison
Une autre façon de partir en vacances
Vous habitez en Dordogne et vous rêvez de
passer vos vacances à Nice ? Échangez votre
logement, c’est économique et dans l’air du
"Depuis quelques années nous avons trouvé
une autre façon de partir en vacances, à l’étranger
ou en France ou Suisse" écrit l’un de nos
membres français.
"Nous essayons d’échanger notre maison pendant
un mois. Cela nous laisse le temps de bien nous
installer, de nous acclimater et de nous sentir chez
nous. En même temps, cette solution est très
pratique car elle nous permet de disposer d’une
voiture sur place et aussi de confier nos deux
chats à nos partenaires d’échange sans avoir
recours aux voisins. C’est vrai que la première
année j’avais un peu peur de laisser ma maison ainsi
à des inconnus mais franchement, nous n’avons
jamais eu aucun problème, et depuis je conseille cette
formule à tous mes amis. Des vacances agréables et
économiques, nous ne les envisageons plus autrement".
Pour bénéficier du "Réseau d’Échanges Green Theme International" cette année, accéder au site web :
Posted by
11:31 am
Labels: Echange de Maison en France
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Posting a comment on the GTI Home Exchange Weblog
Members of GTI Home Exchange may be unfamiliar with the concept of blogging and how to post comments on articles which have been published on the GTI Home Exchange Blog.
The "Comment" hyperlink is found at the end of each article and clicking on it brings up the login page, where you are able to create an account. Click on the link "Login as a different User". This will provide your with a User Name and a password, which is all that is required in order to be able to log-in and add comments on the GTI Home Exchange Blog.
We hope that GTI members will appreciate the value of the GTI Home Exchange Web-log where you can share your home exchange experiences, offer information useful to others contemplating a home exchange, and bring up any other relevant topics. This is your forum for home exchange - make it a great one. Enjoy home exchange with Green Theme International, a Great Travel Idea for people with Good Travel Intentions.
Posted by
10:32 am
Labels: Travel Web-sites and Blogs
Monday, January 10, 2005
Making the World more accessible
Overseas accessible travel with no surprises...
the way you imagined it should be.
GO where you want - GO when you want - GO your way
Travel With No Surprises
New GTI Home Exchange members, Virginia & Joe Krapiec,
in Vancouver, Brisith Columbia, Canada, HE16184
were referred to us by the Access-Network.
"Our house is comfortable, bright, two story, open style,
and easy care. No stairs to enter, an elevator for those
who cannot handle stairs and handgrips for the wobbly.
We fiftysomethings have time to travel from May to July.
Our preference would be to spend 4 to 8 weeks in your
area so we can take a good look around. We need a
house/apartment that will accommodate a quite independant
lady (leg amputee) who travels on wheels - either a manual
wheelchair or electric scooter. Stairs, and doorways
less than 27 inches/69 cm wide(especially into the bathroom)
would be obstacles. Other than that, we are typical
travellers. Cat allergy."
Destinations which are of initial interest to the Krapiec's are
Great Britain and Australia.
Posted by
11:15 am
Labels: Home Exchange for the Disabled
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Seeking European Exchange Partners
When Christ Gleeson first became a member of Green Theme International Home Exchange, he was delighted with the speed with which he was able to arrange his first home exchange:
"We've been members less than a week and fixed up a swap that we're very happy with! Guess we'll be with you next year too.
Chris Gleeson HE13372"
But later Chris wrote:
"We've had a couple of great swaps (Seattle and NZ) over the two years we've been in Green Theme although we've had far less luck with swaps we've tried to set up in Europe".
We'd like to hear your comments on why it is more difficult to set up exchanges in Europe. Is it because of the language problem (many members are able to communicate in languages other than their own native language)? Is it because most people's destination is London, and they are unfamiliar with other parts of the United Kingdom and what they have to offer (Chris lives near Manchester, a modern vibrant city with lots going on, as well as providing easy access to other desirable parts of the UK such as The Lake District, the most beautiful corner of England, and Scotland for short excursions, and with Manchester accessible by an International Airport)?
It would seem that Chris is throwing down the gauntlet for GTI's European members, so who is ready to take up his challenge?
Posted by
11:14 am
The Last Issue
Recent correspondence has led me to include this post on the GTI Weblog by way of clarification. The original text was contained in a GTI Newsletter.
After 15 years of offering printed directories, we published our last edition in January 2003. Whilst we were very reluctant to cease production of our Directories, Internet access had become so widespread that the number of directory memberships had reduced over the preceding few years finally making it unviable to continue to produce them. Moreover, members who were relying solely on the Directories were at a serious disadvantage because by the time the Directories were printed and distributed, many of the exchange offers and requests would already have been fulfilled.
Most countries now have a reliable internet service, and most households a computer, and almost everyone now opts for the much less expensive and more immediate Internet membership option. As an environmentally conscious organization, we feel that it really is much more environmentally efficient to communicate and receive information electronically about the wonderful exchange opportunities available
Posted by
10:34 am
Labels: GTI Home Exchange
Friday, January 07, 2005
First Member from The Netherlands in 2005
Dear Sir, Madam,
Yesterday evening I joined your organisation.
I must say that that was very easy, so many thanks for that! A perfect
internet system.
Now we're hoping to find a nice holiday address...
met vriendelijke groet,
Ysbrand Visser
Posted by
9:36 am
Labels: Huizen Ruil Vakanties Nederlands
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Going Dutch
GTI tries to attract more members from The Netherlands
GTI makes a constant effort to attract as wide a membership as possible for the benefit of all members, a particuarly difficult task in Europe with so many languages to contend with. We are therefore proud to announce the inclusion of several new pages on the web site in Dutch, our sixth European language, as a result of which we hope to attract more members from The Netherlands. If you have any relatives, friends or other contacts in The Netherlands, please pass on this information. GTI Netherlands Home Page
Posted by
11:28 am
Labels: Huizen Ruil Vakanties Nederlands