Credit card companies offer many ways for people to receive cash back or points for different purchases. But they are are not taking the opportunity to promote green living to card holders.
Their rewards for travel, unfortunately, seem to focus around air travel. They even have nice plane logos next to their travel sections. The partnerships built around airlines and credit card companies may be fiscally sound, but it is not environmentally conscientious.
Traveling by train is the responsible method to go places. Railways and credit card companies should join forces to market traveling by train as intensely as by plane. Rail travel rewards of 2-5% cash back need to be standard and easily identifiable in company literature.
Chase Sapphire Card state the following in reference to travel, with nary a reference of train: "There are no restrictions or blackouts dates when you book airfare through Ultimate RewardsSM. And if you can't find the flight or hotel you want, simply buy it elsewhere with your card then use your points to Pay Yourself Back with a credit to your statement. Plus, you can redeem your points for anything you want from travel and merchandise to gift cards and cash back."
Train should be synonymous with travel too.
P.S. - I am also curious as to why hotels receive cash back opportunities but not home exchange, a clearly better choice.
Their rewards for travel, unfortunately, seem to focus around air travel. They even have nice plane logos next to their travel sections. The partnerships built around airlines and credit card companies may be fiscally sound, but it is not environmentally conscientious.
Traveling by train is the responsible method to go places. Railways and credit card companies should join forces to market traveling by train as intensely as by plane. Rail travel rewards of 2-5% cash back need to be standard and easily identifiable in company literature.
Chase Sapphire Card state the following in reference to travel, with nary a reference of train: "There are no restrictions or blackouts dates when you book airfare through Ultimate RewardsSM. And if you can't find the flight or hotel you want, simply buy it elsewhere with your card then use your points to Pay Yourself Back with a credit to your statement. Plus, you can redeem your points for anything you want from travel and merchandise to gift cards and cash back."
Train should be synonymous with travel too.
P.S. - I am also curious as to why hotels receive cash back opportunities but not home exchange, a clearly better choice.