Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Retirement Travel : a possible dream

Every day I seem to come across new blogs on home exchange: one of the most interesting I have read recently has been retirement travel : a possible dream. The blog, written by Pat and Lew Weinstein who reside in Key West, Florida, contains a mine of information both about home exchange and the possibilities of spending part of your retirement in another country - in this instance France. They write about how they found their apartment in a seaside village in the South of France and use it as a base for home exchange travel all over Europe. But not only is their residence in France part-time, it would seem that for Lew, an author, retirement is part-time too as he has just published his book "The Heretic" which is receiving acclaim reviews.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for your kind comments. We've got lots more to post, and I hope you and others find it interesting.