Thursday, June 16, 2011

Invite Family and Friends to Discover the World of Home Exchange for Only £5 a Year

Invite Family and Friends to Discover the World of Home Exchange for Only £5 a Year

Buy a membership and invite up to 4 members of your family and/or friends to join for a year for 5 pounds each.

Your friend/family must fill out the membership form to have their own listing. Do not try to add them to your listing; this will only cause you to have a second listing. They must select Plan 1. They will receive 80% off their one year subscription by filling out the form as detailed below.

How to Fill Out Home Exchange Membership Subscription

Fill in box titled "Promotional Code" with the word - FAMFRIEND

At bottom of form titled QUESTIONS (for admin use only), do the following:

"Where did you hear about our service?" Select Recommendation

"If the response you selected above was followed by an * please be specific." Put in home exchange number of your family/friend who is a current member.

Reference will be verified. No refunds if Green Theme International is unable to verify reference.

Saturday, June 11, 2011