Monday, January 22, 2007

Celebrate Something Special on a Home Exchange

I have noticed over the years that our members often plan holidays to celebrate special events in their lives. One of the most popular celebrations when people really want to do something memorable seems to be their 40th wedding anniversaries. Way back in the early 90’s former member Wendy Painter wanted to visit Bali and New Zealand to celebrate her Ruby Wedding – but be warned, this home exchange trip had momentous consequences as Wendy and her whole family eventually emigrated to New Zealand.

Just recently, two new members have indicated that their 40th anniversaries have played a part in their future holiday plans. Brian (HE19196) and his wife bought their flat in Seaton, Devon, to celebrate their forthcoming 40th wedding anniversary. As they are new to home exchange they are planning to swap the flat (also said to be ideal for honeymooners) initially with other GTI Home Exchange members in the UK. But do I detect a note of dissention after 40 years of married bliss? Brian would prefer the south and west of England, whereas his wife would prefer Cumbria, Wales or Scotland. I am sure they will be really successful in their search for non-simultaneous home exchanges and receive so many offers that they will both be satisfied.

A world away, two other GTI members are planning their 40th anniversary celebration. Robyn (HE18719) and his wife live in Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia. The hump-back whales visit between July and November to frolic in the bay. Robyn says, “Locals say Hervey Bay is beautiful one day and perfect the next”.
A well travelled couple, they now wish to spend a few weeks in a Spanish village and experience the Spanish way of life and are already learning Spanish. “We will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary in Spain”, says Robyn.

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